Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So busy getting ready for the Yule Party we will be hosting for the tribe this weekend. Since we all find family important we get together very early in the month for our ritual and get together because we will all be traveling to our families homes as it gets closer to Christmas and New Years. I just added batteries to the camera so tomorrow I will hopefully not forget to take some pictures of lil 'un and I making our dozens of cookies. This year we decided to make as many gifts as possible for people because money is tight. I'm really trying to not let the holiday stress get to me (ie: Mother in law) it's still a work in progress. Sleep still isn't happening. Boy do I wish I new something new to try to get some sleep. Don't be expecting too much in the way of posting until the new year. I'll leave you with some things I currently working on

1. Getting some sleep; I don't like being tired and moody.

2. Finding some better ways to relax. That will also help with #1

3. Doing some historical research on the house. It's an old one and should have some interesting background.

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